19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:19-20
The Missions Ministry Center works to motivate and inform the members of FPC about the mandate, the needs, and opportunities of spreading the gospel in the Shoals, the nations, and in the whole world.
Ways to Get Involved
- Join the Missions Ministry Center at FPC. Contact Erica Tucker for more information.
- Attend the Missions Conference which is held in late winter each year at our church. This is a great way to learn more about God’s teachings on missions, how to pray for our missionaries, and how we can serve at home.
- Participate in one of the annual mission trips offered by FPC. Our Men’s Ministry typically spends time in the early summer assisting French Camp Academy in work projects on their property. Another group travels to Parvomai, Bulgaria to serve our sister church, Evangelical Congregational Church, by helping with VBS and other ministries.
- Come hear the monthly missionary speakers that tell us of the work that is being done by their ministries and how we can pray for them in the field.
- Serve with the Women in the Church (WIC) who deliver Meal on Wheels to our community and seek out ways to encourage and help our church’s missionaries at home & abroad.
- You may have a desire to reach foreign lands but simply cannot because of money, time or family that is understandable. Yet, this does not have to be barrier. You can reach other lands by reaching the people from those places as they come to the United States to work and learn in our Colleges and Universities. Locally we have over 400 international students studying at the University of North Alabama. If you would like to learn how to host and meet people of from different places please check with the Office of International Affairs or follow this link to learning about the Host Family Program.

National & Local Ministries
All Saints Reformed Church, Utah
Colbert Caring Center
Common Ground Shoals
Consulting Service Foundation, Bebo Elkin
Covenant Christian School
French Camp Academy
Gideons International
Indiana Univ. Campus Ministry, Faith Linton
Mission to North America Providence Presbytery Reformed Theological Seminary Scottsboro Church Plant of Providence Presbytery Shoals Sav-A-Life
RUF: Alabama A&M University, Marcus Nobles
RUF: Auburn University, Tanner Crum
RUF: Samford University, Walt Davis
RUF: University of Alabama, Stewart Swain
RUF: University of Oklahoma, Scott Morris
RUF: Washington University in St. Louis, Kristen Thompson
International Missionaries
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Bailey, Australia
Rev. & Mrs. Joel Linton, Taiwan
Rev. & Mrs. Rob Ilderton, England
Rev. & Mrs. Verne Marshall, Chile
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sabin, Guam
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gahagen, Peru
Rev. & Mrs. Atanasov, Parvomai, Bulgaria Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen, Globeworks
MTW Enterprise, Belgium
Third Millennium Ministries
Ms. Elizabeth Brinkley, Bulgaria
Mr. Danny Lynch, Africa